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the most recent as of 1/5/01

Heart Beat

Buddump, buddump
Uh, Rumpta tiki ti.
Oblivion swirling
devouring me
swine crawling
over the walls
filthy bastards
crowding the halls
And the torture,
all the pain
that i felt
It comes again
To much stress
with no sleep
Juggling time
I have to weep
Perfect parents
make the rules
stuck in classes
I pass the fools
I'm no wimp
I'm no stud
I need Space, and by god

I got to breath
I cannot see
I'm blinded by rage
manacled to this god foresaken stage
blinded by this crud

Buddump, buddump
Uh Rumpt atiki ti!
All these idiots
And their shit surrounds me,
buddump buddump,
Uh, rumpt atiki ti
God how I despise
These asses around me!


Dancing to invisible music,
While watching inaudible sights.
My mind turns around my body,
As erected ruins rise.
Flames rise
And civilizations falter.
God gives, man takes away
What was, what is, what will be
Is never, never the rigth of way.
So man can fight eachother
And woman can fight man.
When we should grasp the other
Make love hand in hand.
A small house with inconcieving residents
While away the future
Taken the road more travelled by
And it hasn't made a difference.
Love while it last,
Dance to the small of lust,
For soon enough it will be gone,
Juxtoposed into dust!

Carnal Sensation

I see the flesh
Beautiful flesh, so fresh
strong of stomache
Firm of breast
I feel the kiss
the trembling kiss, such bliss
Lightly touching lips
Lovingly intimate.
I've felt it all
I've seen it all
Boundaries fall
enter the carnal.
I've spoken to the Lord
Touched his creation
I've given into self
Given into my temptation
I've foresaken all thought
Sent it on vacation
I've risen up a beast
And it craves carnal sensation

The following poems until teh end of this page were done in response to a Physics project, we dropped an egg of the third floor and tried to make a device to stop it from breaking. . .just so yall know. . .it broke!

Choices Made Of People

They Are Friends
They Were Friends
It No Longer Matters
For Choices Were Made
And Now The Past Owns Them
But Next Time I Know
I Know Who Is My Partner
Who is my Friend
Whom is My Foe
Three Slackers Together
It is No Wonder Everything
Not Nothing
Goes Wrong

Idea of Ideals

i want it easy
i don't need it hard
i want it quick and painless
like everything else i've been spoon fed
when is wartime
i will run
so i choose something simple
roll an egg on a sheet of fabric
it is simple
it is cheap
it is easy
it is
but it is not right
not right at all
it is an idea of ideals

Brand New Hope

Then as a fool
I let new hope in
i let it enter and put it's feet
down on my heart
no plan, none was needed
no fear, none was thought
but it was needed more than plan
Is that where I went wrong
no respect no fear
no challenge, no cheer

Failure to Comply

You asked us simply
What we had to do
Everything laid around
as so much scattered trash at a beach
All I would have to do
Is move my head
Look around
It would be found
I would pass
I would gain
I would be everything but no
I must not be what you think
I must be Jean
I must be Jelly Bean

The Grinning Let Down

I will step into class
I will see a absence of presence
Objects and people go missing
Unexcused and panic grips one
Now running, racing through
A quagmire of rain and rage
Forced to crawl through the
dog door, reduced to sub human ways
I create the object they desire
You desire
But it won't matter by the time
That it fulfills it's purpose
The world has cracked and the yolk splatters on me as so much yellow blood.

The Rage Of Ares Birth

Damnable Pain
Blessable pain
brought by stupidity
For me no gain
in rage born of Ares blood

Creative Process of Life

You give me options
You give me hope
I may Utilize a new way of doing things
New ways to look at life
New sciences
Joining life with art
Here a perfect Juxtaposition creates
Harmony Between the two
Science & Reality
Here It begins
Where does is end?
What New Ideas
Like the earth
Like the egg
Like the chick within
That float within many layers
each protected, each safe
So will me eggs be
My Contemplation of bags
Bags filled with life
Surrounding Life

Dance of The Gods

What Did I suspect would happen
Created a monster and it came to life!
I sat there watching the yellow yolk run away
Oddly I felt powerful
Proving Every Man is a God in Ruins
My initial anger replaced by a frenzied joy
. Like an paper dog chasing an asbestos cat through Hell
Why do I feel this power?
Why do I feel This strength
Am I the key to a new dance
I don't know
All I know is that experience is the worst teacher
It gives the test before the lessen.

Proof of Impact

Well Soon it will fall
Soon it will fall to the
Maybe it will break
Maybe it won't
If it does Then I will Be saddened by
But I suspect it won't
I suspect Success to be mine
My Power will grow
and then I will be hailed king
as friend
As Equal
Ha it won't end like it should
It won't end with a splatter and
A shattering of white eggshell-dreams
It will end as I see fit
For I am the master of no man but me
Master of my own reality
And God save he who tries to take it
away from me!

The Human Soul Can Not Be Let Down

Damnable, Damnations, What is the shout that goes up from the crowd? what is the cry that leaves their lips? Not Mine! Not Mine! My own is that of elation. For I have shown triumphant. They thought like the phoenix I had burned but truly like the Phoenix I only Raise from I ashes to conquer again. Risen By Mocking RISEN BY HATE I PROVE THE BETTER, I am the variable, I am the unknown aspect, So intangible like "hope" like "freedom" Like any exotic erotic thing; I am an Acquired Taste!

Poetry Indexx