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the 6th page
"I see dead poems!"

Never Die

From winter east a sun shall set
and summer's life will take our breath
if we live we will regret
and from our cold fingers and lips they will pry
a dull art pencil and the words
"never die"


Spelled out of whack it's Yelkl
In the eyes of Yelkl
Evil is pink
Coming of age
Allows her to think
Death is funny
But only if Fake
To chunk a Bottle
On life is her take
Prod Yelkl Prod
Yelkl prod away
Prod yelkl prod
Until you rot away

They tell Me

They tell me to fear
I ask them why
They tell me to fear
I demand a cause
They tell me to adhere
I remain in the sky
They tell me to adhere
I refuse to pause

Who are they
to command my life
Who are they
To let me live their way
Who are they

They tell me to hear
I refuse to show
They tell me to hear
I remain in my shell
They tell me to fear
I scream out no
They tell me to fear
I say Go to Hell!

Painful Mechanical Rain

A sullen rain
Algea collects
Lumps in my throat
I can't cure myself
How can I cure you
As acid droplets
Carry oily rainbows
Down on you
Spilling, covering you
Stopping hope's light
from reaching
Like me reaching
For your hand
Draw you back
Kiss your cheek
Watch the oily acid rain
and Build a shelter
Under an Industrial World
Creating this precipitaion of demolation
But we are safe
Now all we hear
Is the pitter patter falling
Not touching us
Not hurting us
Not covering us

Fatherly Love

I cry out
Doubled over
Tears streaming crystal rivulets
But my cry is silent
All is silent as I rave
"fuck you"
"I hate you"
"Leave me alone"
I know he'll hear
so I only mouth
Screaming the words
I need some one to hold tight to
No one however is around
No support
Any body will do
Why can't some one fucking be here?
I choke back a sob
Don't want any more attention
He comes back
Coldly as if I am
The failure he claims
The Fuck up he knew
He ask "Sorry Boy?"
Inside I bellow
YOU are the failure
YOU are the fuckup
but softly i answer "yes father"


Images of penitrating
Cocks, pushing up and
through moist lipped pussies
Moaning bodies entwined
in legs, struggling'
to part only
to get pushed back in
Harder until both Cum
And Orgasm is reached
Collapse beside eachother and wait

Hardening Tender Touch

We begin a sexfest
shortly afetr lunch
beginning to embrace
licking and enjoying
stroking and gasping
I will make you moan
slip my fingers before me,
I am not yet ready
I feel the pain of need
Inside me like a shard
I need you to love me tender
Until I get hard
Then we'll love alnight
and most the next day
sucking and screwing
In every concievable way
but not yet
it's not ready yet
cuz before we do
I need you to love me tender
until i get hard!


Who are they
To ask me what I don't know
What I can't even guess
A point in times, offers made
I want, to accept and refuse
All the girls, I want lost and to reuse
Not much to see
In a life so full it's empty
But what I do is sincere
What I ask it is so clear
I need to know so I can live and then die
I need to know tell me who Am I?


Deda and gone
Lost and forgotten
But still here
Only not seen
Not appreciated
So, stumbling through
You beg to be scene
No matter how you try
You can't make a scene
Big enough to be noticed
So you fade into yourself
and no one notices.


What I never understood
What I never thought I
Would ever know
Given time alone
Immediately I was shown
You blew me away
Gave me over to day
Wash away my strife
Kiss me to life
Forgotten dreams
Long Lost Hopes
Awaken at last
To the sight of you
To the light of you
And I can't help but think
That nothing else matters
No one else matters
But you.

Chocolate Kisses

I see an image in my mind
My love barely dressed
Wearing mainly chocolate finger paint
Chocolate used to write poetry
On a living slate
Used to express emotion
Used to speak self
As rhythmic breath disrupts
My concentration shatters
I look up
I see in her eyes a longing.
Across her face
Written in brown milky chocolate
The word desire
I understand the look
This poem, between us forever
So I erase it
Kissing up my writing

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