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Dewayne Dogwood

What's your real name? Matt Roser
When did you become a Blendable? May 31st @ Punk Prom
How did you become a Blendable? I guess I blended with The Blendies for a while and then Sean (Lester) came up to me at a show and told me I was one!!
What kind of music do you listen to? Emo/Punk!
Who are some of your favorite bands? NOFX, NFG, Pulley, Bigwig, Allister, Ataris, STD, the Casualties, Alkaline Trio, Green Day, Diesel Boy
What is your favorite record label? Drive-Thru Records & Hellcat Records
What is your favorite website? Emotional Losers Lounge and The Punkers Palace
Who do you think is the sexiest of your fellow Blendables? Ummmm hard to say we're all sexy in many ways!!
Who is your favorite local band? 4FooT4, the Twirpentines, Good Intentions
What are your thoughts on the U.S. government? They're carpet munchers!!!!!!! and many others to say but wouldn't be stable for the site!!!!!!
Whats the craziest thing you have ever done? Well jus yesterday my friends dared me to buy a thong and where it around town while I scooter and I did!!!!!!!
What are some of your favorite activities to do? Go to shows, hang out w/ friends, get harrassed
Who inspired you to be the way you are today? Well, friends mostly!
What would you do if you had one million dollars? I would get a huge pucken skate park and a huge pucken house and have all my friends live w/ me!!!!!
What are some of your biggest fears? Seeing old people naked! and seeing my cat lose weight.
What would you do/say if you were told you were kicked out of the Blendables? I would cry for like ever until you guys let me back in!!!!!
What is your Blendage status? Current Member
What is ur relationship status? I have a very hott girlfriend!!