Alex plays bass and sings. He is the youngest member of the band. He lives in Fairground. In his spare time he likes to go around pissing in peoples ice cube trays. He is in grade 12. He likes riding his dirtbike, hangin out with friends,skateboarding, biking. His favorite bands are Nirvana,Gob,Goldfinger,Red hot chili peppers,lit,Weezer,Silverchair,The Presidents of U.S.A,Eve 6,treble charger and pretty much . He hates Cafeteria food.He loves to make a complete idiot of himself whenever he can just to make people laugh and embaress anybody he's with. Likes to get drunk. He also gets him self into alot of trouble all the time with his loud offensive mouth. He likes to spend money (when he has it).His goal in life is to spend most of it touring. He collects Road signs (they're all over his room).

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