Full Name: Alex Jonathan Winkworth
Band Relation: Singer, Bass player
Birth Date: March 15,1985
Home: fairground,ON (go to hell and take a left,that's my place)
Age: 16
Marital Status: Single
Favorite Movie: Anything with Eddie Murphy or Chris Tucker
Favorite Bands: Red Hot Chili Peppers,Offspring,Gob,Goldfinger,Blink 182,Nirvana,MxPx,Treble charger,Eve 6,Fenix TX,Lit,Silverchair,Sum-41,see spot run,American Hi-Fi and CELINE DION!!!!!!!...(not really)
Equipment: Alex plays Fender jazz basses and P-basses through an Ampeg
B4-R powering 2 ampeg SVT-810E cabs, alex also uses Shure T-series wireless system and Ernie ball "super slinky"&"power slinky" strings, dunlop & alien .50 mm & 1 mm pics. and custom "Super-long" guitar strap
Hobbies:skateboarding (Alien Workshop deck,Grind king trucks, Pig wheels,Speed demond bearings and shorty's hardware) dirtjump biking,riding his dirtbike,playing guitar,watching movies, listening to music, and hanging out with his girlfriend
ICQ Number:77227508
Likes: Naked dancing people with funny little hats.
Dislikes: tight pants
Nickname: stupid asshole, piece of shit, cocksucker, motherfucker, twat, dick head,shit head, dumb ass,scrotum licker,ass wipe,shit skid,cum stain,jack off,dickless,ass fuck,numb sac,pussy,turd eater,fudge packer,shit stick fucking bastard,fuck head,goat fucker,pig fucker, gay homo,poop dick,stinky nuts,penis breath,dick head,dill weed,needle dick, tool,dick licker,gimp,fuck fart or "Al"
Funniest Memory:Lighting Dog shit in a paper bag on fire on people's doorsteps and watching them stomp it out.(Adam Sandler is a fucking genious)
Worst Memory:Getting suspended for stealing three fire extinguishers from school and spraying them at eachother.click here to see the photo

E-mail Alex at: spikes132@hotmail.com