Full Name: Henry Jonathan Bartsch Junior
Band Relation: Singer, Guitar player
Birth Date: December 27th, 1984
Home: A shitty little town called Cultus
Age: 17
Marital Status: Single
Favorite Movie: Empire Records,SLC Punk,Summer of Sam, Fight Club
Favorite Bands: Goldfinger,Gob,NoFx,Zebrahead,Local H,Anti-Flag,Green day, Sum-41,Relient K,Fenix TX,Millencolin,Diesel boy,Samiam,Sewing with Nancie,Osker,Slick Shoes,Weezer,MxPx,Blink-182,The Presidents of the U.S.A.,Offspring,Lit,A New Found Glory,Treble Charger,Fits like skin,Angst,Less than jake,Good Charlotte,Reel Big Fish,American Hi-Fi,The Ataris, Flashlight Brown,Finch,Thursday,Taking Back Sunday.
Equipment: Henry plays custom Fender custom Jaguars with 2 humbuckers. He uses a Marshall MG100R head into 2 Marshall VS412 cabs through a Shure T-series wireless system. He uses brain, dunlop or alien .88 mm pics and Ernie ball "heavy bottom" strings and custom "super-long" guitar straps.
Hobbies:Skateboarding (birdhouse deck,destructo trucks,bones bearings & wheels, black magic griptape and shorty's hardware), Snowboarding, freestyle biking, playing playstation 2, playing drums and bass just for fun, but most of all partying & hangin with his friends and the band
ICQ Number: 78653391
Likes: blue slush puppies with 20 squirts of flavor. BLUE TOUNGE!!!
Dislikes:Boybands, burnt toast and idiots that seem to think bubble gum punk isn't a form of punk.
Nickname: Jr.
Favorite Quote: Oh Hungry, Oh Henry
Funniest Memory: Getting the school bus pulled over for throwing firecrackers out the window at moving vehicles. (the cop was pissed!) : )
Worst Memory: Getting suspeded for pulling the fire alarm at school for the third time.

Here is a Rap Song that is fully written,recorded and produced by Junior. Download it, It's a little preview of some new material that Henry has written since Nathan has been Off!
Never Give Up

A Message From JR
Since Nathan has been Off of the kit from his leg operation I have gotten really bored musically and I needed something new. So I started making Music in my basement, Working on it by myself in my own little studio I call "my bedroom". Well I'm not always alone as a matter of fact, My old Bud DJ Pinkeye was with me in some of the Stoned Sessions we recorded Such as "Highschool" or "Symphony" which you can download at www.angelfire.com/band2/djpinkeye The new material isn't punk though, I wanted to try something different, So I tried everything from Metal,Rock,Rap and Hip-Hop to Choir and I am looking forward to making more complex songs in these forms of style because I have a great appriciation for almost all types of music. Soon I will also upload the Rave&techno I recorded in my basement!!!

E-mail Henry at: henry341@hotmail.com