This is the story of how our band started from day 1
The Band has been playing together since 1997, but they had plans to be in a band together since before they could even play their instruments. They have known eachother thier whole lives and were all in the same class since public school. The whole thing started when Henry got his first guitar for Christmas when he was 12. It was a very cheap guitar, he said "it always goes outta tune after 1 song" It was a No-name brand guitar. He didn't even have an Amp, he played it through a keroke machine because he couldn't afford anything else, but he went through a few other amps before realizing the marshall sound was what he wanted. It wasn't even his Idea to get one, His older brother was the one who wanted it. Henry's mother had bought them a guitar to share. He learned how to play very quickly. soon enough he was better than his older brother at playing. Henry started to write songs only weeks after he got the guitar,he also owned a few other guitars before buying his first fender strat. Henry never really had a problem with stage fright so he brought his guitar to school a couple times and played for the class. After his friend Alex had seen Henry play for the first time, He was influenced to learn to play too.Alex also learned very quickly, he too had a natural talent for guitar. It wasn't long before they were both in alex's basement jaming and writing songs together. They were both really influenced by Nirvana, They would often play Nirvana covers for fun. Alex played guitar for about a year before he got his first bass, It was a SEARS special, He learned to play bass instantly. Nathan had also been a big part of the future band since the begining. Henry had been encouraging nathan to play drums ever since he got his guitar. It was all planned out. Nathan was taking drum lessons before he even had a drumset. So when he finally got drums he would already know how to play. When he got them, We had our first practice, The first time all three of us played together. They switched our practice spot to Nathan's house because the drums were to much to transport around.Nathan was also a big fan of Nirvana so They played alot of simple tunes from Nirvana and Greenday and stuff like that. All They needed was a name, They went through alot of names priviously before they were actually a band. "We can't even remember half of them",The very first one was "Poison Ivy" they went through other names like "Hell's Kitchen","Gasoline","Acid rain","Liquid","Medicine Head","Tool Box" But they still had No vocals. they were an Instumental band for a long time. Henry and Alex had always sang just for the fun of it, but were never really serious about vocals until they were in highschool. "It was never easy being a kid and being in a band. We always had to beg for a ride to practice from our parents, We were constantly nagged for being to loud". When they were in grade 8 they played their first show ever at their public school "Houghton". It wasn't very big at all, but the crowd still screamed when they heard them for the first time."we thought it was awsome, they were exited". The summer after that they changed their name to Smear, and Henry and Alex became serious about singing And started playing shows,getting paid,getting Front page in the newspaper, getting on T.V multiple times,Winning contests and actually starting to sound like a real band. By this time we switched our practice location to alex's house. When the band was first starting out They Went through Additional members like extra guitar players and singers, But it never worked out for the band unless it was just the three original members. "For some reason it just doesn't feel right unless it's just the 3 of us, We're just not comfortable with anyone else. This band has been a BIG part of our lives! And it always will be, We would never give it up for anything. We have worked so hard to Achive the sound we have today, And it's Only going to get better from here."