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oh good, im not the only one who celebrates their birthdays. take a look at these fellow nimrods who arent afraid to show their love for the bois...

NAME: meg
AGE: 15
LOCATION: mundelein, il

HOW DID YOU GET INTO GREEN DAY?: the first green day cd i bought was dookie in 1994, i was 9 i friend pat, who i liked at the time, was in love with billie. so i had already bought dookie, and he just kept me going from there...

WHAT MAKES YOU A GREEN DAY NIMROD?: i got so obsessed that i have collected about 500 or so pics of them from mags and online. i send them mail a lot, although i never get any back. i'll love them forever! last year, i dyed my hair green on tre's birthday, red on billie's and orange on mikes...and i pierced my nose on mike's. it ended in a bloody mess and i was forced to take it out. i also got a portrait cake made at jewel on billies bday and sang happy birthday as loud as i could and my mom actually thought i was going crazy. i bought tre a bracelet and sent it to him and i think he got it.

NAME: danielle
AGE: 14
LOCATION: holyoke, mass
EMAIL: kurb9439 

HOW DID YOU GET INTO GREEN DAY?: when i was..i think 8..i heard longview and i knew i loved em.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GREEN DAY NIMROD?: my dad makes me do 20 pushups every time i say green day or humm their i did 420 and a half cause i almost said it, but that was spread through out the day not all at once. for the past oh i'd say 4 weeks i've been in such a green day frenzy due to their new cd that i've got "GREEN DAY" painted on my fingernails and on my green of course. i have painted "i heart tre cool" (even though i love all of em). every day at school if you were to come in one of my classes youd find me drawing one of the tatoos Billie Joe has on my arm. the longest time i've had one was when i got henna and redid it every day..its the cross that BJ has on his hand. i have 2 copies of every cd by them, from 39 smooth to unwrapped one wrapped. but i have 3 of warning. my walls are green and on every one in big letters is GREEN DAY. i have my ears pierced just enough times to fit earings that say green day, 9 on each each side. my bball coach has nicknames 4 everyone and mine is tre. it couldnt be GD cause that sounds weird when your screaming "GD YOUR A GUARD" (and tre is my favorite member). even though i would love to play guitar and sing like billie joe i grew up playing drums so thats what i play now. i asked my principal to get my locker painted another colour besides gray and she said yes since i am such a suck up. now its the only one thats green. i go to a christian school and i got suspended for a week cause were not supposed to dye our hair. i died mine green november 18 and its still sorta green.

NAME: spike (aka Katelyn)
AGE: 14
LOCATION: a land of green... well really... Litchfield, CT

HOW DID YOU GET INTO GREEN DAY? well i was about 8 or so when my cousin, hollie, got me into them. the first time i heard "Longview" i fell in love with the guys.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GREEN DAY NIMROD? well what i think makes me a green day nimrod is that i've collected millions and millions of pictures of the guys... i've got the pictures on my wall, in a photo album, on my ceiling, in my locker, and on all my notebooks for school and stuff; that's not to mention all the posters i've got and made. i've died my hair green twice, and i've been trying to die my hair all the colors the guys have died theirs and then some. my green day t-shirt collection is huge and still growing... usually any time you see me i'm in a green day t-shirt. i have drawn all the members of green day at least twice. and in school my nick-name, to some, is green day (or spike but that doesn't matter). i dream about the guys every night and i celebrate their birthday and the release date of their albums, all except for 1039/smoothed out... cuz i don't know when that was released.

NAME: Billie Hoe (allison)

AGE: 13

LOCATION: Los Osos *its really REALLY lame*


WEB PAGE: NO! *lol I'm working on it*

HOW DID YOU GET INTO GREEN DAY? I'v heard their music since I was 4. My brothers really liked them so I have always heard them. I have 10 CD's of them...yeah and I never get sick of them. A lot of people are like OMG BILLIE JOE IS SO HOTT!! but he's really cool too...god knows i wanna marry him but thats not all thats cool about him...HES MY's kinda sad...

WHAT MAKES YOU A GREEN DAY NIMROD? once you walk inside of my will know...I am a Green Day can't even see my walls...I have used up so much ink on my printer...I have only like 6 Green Day shirts...eventually I'll have like 20 cuz thats all I save up for...I mean theres a lot of other cool bands...but green day is so cool...they fit me the best...and they aren'tlways going on and ON about love's so good to know there are other people in the world that like green day as much as me.

send me your info NOW, chump!

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