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the pickick portoo

welcome to our zine. let me tell a little story first. 4 years ago, beth and i put together a "newspaper thingy" and distributed them at her high skool. it seemed like a fun thing to do. only years later did we realize we had started a zine without even knowing what one was. there was only 1 issue completed, but heres the good news: its being reborn! we plan to reissue the first one (because we're kinda partial to it) and then go from there.


our first issue was kindy silly (ok, really silly) and there wasnt much of a central focus. this time around we hope to set a sort of theme for each one, although i dont want to limit any possibilities. as i mentioned, this was started by beth and myself. we will also have frequent contributers and welcome ANY SUBMISSIONS BY YOU THE VIEWER!! i cant stress this enough. you will of course get all the proper credit and such. if you have something you would like to send in, simply email it to us at we reserve the right to edit for content, clarity, or whatever the hell we please...after all, it IS our zine! ; ) even if you have something that doesnt fit with the theme of the next issue, send it along. it can always be held for future use.


if you would like a copy of the pickick portoo, please email us at the address above and specify which issue number it is that you want. we are asking $1 per copy because we are poor jerks and we need to buy envelopes and stamps! and now, on with the show.


the pickick portoo #1:
-theme: variety issue

-short articles: the legend of tobese the cat, the splendor of barley, what to do
with embarassing parents, beths experiences with jason, the art of tarot

-also includes: interview with dan johnson (nobody special), weird things
to do when you're bored, top 4 lists, would you rather...?, and horoscopes

*for a copy please contact us at*
[not currently accepting new submissions]

the pickick portoo #2:
-theme: love and relationships

-short articles: why relationships suck, why relationships rule, being in love
with a stranger, the search for truth in the quest for love, beths love for sgt.
carter, when relationships "jump the shark." 

-also includes: 'the perfect boy' poem, a love letter from claudia spontaneous,
strange ways boys express their love, 'wet hot american summer' review, favorite
love quotes, top 4 lists, entertaining date ideas, interview with johnny romance
(crash of 59), a day in logic class.

*for a copy please contact us at*
[not currently accepting new submissions]

the pickick portoo #3:
-theme: music

[accepting submissions!! send in now!!]

lets twist again

questions, comments, contributions? contact us: