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xprepare to fightx

i get asked a lot why i decided to become straightedge. actually, i get asked even more what it really IS. while you can find a F.A.Q. section on almost any straightedge page, this is to offer my own explainations and reasons ive chosen to live this lifestyle. you dont have to agree, but at least maybe more people will understand.

even before i actually made the decision to "claim it" as they say, the whole idea of drinking, smoking, or doing drugs never interested me. i had always been independent and the type of person who liked to do things my own way, so peer pressure never swayed me. in all actuality, none of my friends growing up were really into that stuff anyway.

while i cant say i never experimented, the three tastes of alcohol i had in my life never made much of an impression on me. cigarette smoke gave me a headache (i think im allergic to it), making it a simple choice for me not to ever start. and the very thought of drugs just scared me enough to never make me that curious.

i first heard the term straightedge when i was in eighth grade. i liked the things i knew associated with it, but it wasnt until my second or third year of high school that i began to take it more serious. i found myself identifying more and more with the values and beliefs that defined a straightedge lifestyle. for once in my life, i found something within myself that i knew i could take control of and always have control of. it was an amazing feeling to feel that pride, especially when other people would compliment me for my decisions.

of course, straightedge is a lot more than just the basic abstainance of drinking, smoking, or doing drugs. but the beauty of it is that it means something different to every person. the way you choose to define it is completely up to you, so long as you realize the commitment you are making. respect is a very important quality to me, and it all began with gaining that sense of respect for myself.

a lot of people ask me how i can "resist the temptations" or accuse me of being "no fun." truth is, i dont HAVE any temptations for these kinds of things. if i have made it this far without any of that, why would i need to start now?? i have a handful of friends who are also straightedge, and its always great to find other people that share my beliefs and values. it makes it easier, altho i would make the journey alone if i had to!

recently, i got my first tattoo. because i am so comitted to my beliefs, i thought long and hard before deciding i wanted it to be a straightedge one. while this may seem acceptable enough, some friends and family members express concern that i will change my mind, or still dont think i am serious enough to my comittment. they say, "what are you going to do when you wake up one day and decide you want a beer?" by now i just look at them and laugh, and tell them "first of all, i know that i wont. but if for some reason i ever did, i would have a pretty big reminder here on my arm not to." anyone who knows me knows that i am dedicated, or at least extremely stubborn : ) either way, i have absolutely no doubt in my mind that i made the right decision a few years ago, and it is a value that i will always treasure and live up to.

i do not preach to people about my beliefs, nor do i expect them to put me down for them. i think everyone has a right to live how they want, i just hope others can be as openminded and realize this is how I chose to live. i do not feel i am making an unfair judgement when i say these things destroy lives, because there are endless facts and statistics to support this. straightedge is a way of life that can not be forced upon anyone else; anyone who has the courage to stay strong can benefit from the choices they make to change.

*here is an essay my friend brandi wrote about how we met and the impact straightedge has had on her rules, READ IT!!*

"the salvation of your choice speaks louder than your voice."

lets twist again