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S T U F F ! !

i'm quite an odd character aren't i?

umm this is where we'll put stuff that we want to get out to you guys that we can't find a better place for. there isn't anything right that we want to say right now so this part is kinda useless but you can check back from time to time to see if i put anything in here.

the only news is that yes, we did offiacally break up as a band. we won't be practicing any more or writing any new songs to add to our on original. don't be surprised to see us occasionally at shows and parties in the haddon heights area as a last minute fill in. we broke up cause the band became a side project for everyone, a fun one at that but still a side project. and no one had any time to practice or anything. so that's about it. if anything changes it'll be up on this page.


Please come back and visit again!
