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Here's where we will keep everyone updated about what's going on. the only bit of news i have right now is that we got a new singer, Matt. the only other thing going on is that we're gonna have a big show with a whole lot of local bands soon. it looks like it might be the end of august or the beinning of september, but definatly before school starts.

We might be getting a new bassist - wahoo

i probably shoulda put this up like a year ago, but we finally did break up. i know it sucks but we all gotta move on. josh and rob were way too busy with DIRTY LARRY (shameless promo) anyway. i'm now in a new band with some people from college called skinny girl moshpit. keep an eye or two out for us. we're gonna kick ass, i hope. anyway we'l be better than jim's nameless bansd cause we got a name and a bass player. that's about it, if i ever get the url for our site i'll put it on this one as a link. cya.