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Atheists MUST worship satan
People who do not know nor believe the Bible may be confused on why I say atheism is satanism. Well, here is why. I can't wait to hear this.
If you turn to Matthew Chapter 6:24, you will read, "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (or riches)." This verse means we must either love God and hate satan or love satan and hate God. We must either serve God and disobey satan or serve satan and disobey God. We cannot love God and satan simultaneously. Perhaps we can hate both- or at least, not serve either.

Thus if we say we love God but do not have the workings of God in us, we are a liar and actually worship satan whether we realize it or not. I happen to think taht I have free will to choose what I want to believe in. If I choose God, then I worship God. If I choose Satan, then I choose Satan. If I choose both, then I believe in both. Yet, I can also choose neither, and be an atheist, whcih belives in no type of theism whatsoever. However if we say we love God and obey His Law, the Ten Commandments in our heart (not just outwardly) then we truly do love God. But I don't love either God or Satan. That makes me an atheist, which means "someone without a religion".

Not everyone who say, "I love God" truly love God. This is evident when Christ said in Matthew 7:21, "Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven." In other words, this verse says, "Not every who admits Christ is God and claim to worship Christ will go to heaven, but only those who do the will of God, that is, those who keep God’s Ten Commandments. The truth of this is evident with Judas Iscariot who pretended to love Christ, but in the end Christ’s statement, "Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?", (John 6:70), proved correct when Judas betrayed Christ.
Anyone who says they love the devil, truly do love the devil and hate God. I never said I hated God, or loved the devil. No one who truly love God will condescend to saying they love satan. One does not hypocritically say they love satan, like many hypocritically say they love God.

Atheism claims to be indifferent to God. This proves it is satanic. Atheism must either be serving God or serving satan. I find it entirely possible to serve neither. If atheism truly served God, it would not hide it, Atheism says it does not believe in God. Why would an atheist worship a god they have no place for? but since atheism says it is not worship to God, it proves to be worship to satan. Even though atheist heatedly argue that they do not worship satan, they do not realize that they must either serve God or satan even if they lie and say God nor satan exists. This is like political parties. You don't have to join one. You don't have to be in one. And if you are part of one, there is no rule that says you cannot vote out of your party. You cannot straddle the fence, -something atheisst believe they can do. One does not have to conscientiously worship satan to be a devil-worshipper. In fact, most worship to satan is done in the name of God. Actually, most worship of Satan is done in the name of Satan. Otherwise, they actually would be worshipping God.

If satan appeared now, he would be an atheist. Ask satan does God exist and he will say, "No". Ask satan does satan exist and he will say, "No". By getting people to say God nor satan exist, satan gets atheists to worship him even though atheists are blind to the fact that they are worshipping satan. Mmmkay. You do that. Continue to believe that you are the only man holy enough to be saved. It's going to be lonely in the afterlife now, eh?

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