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There's many things wrong with the world.
It's too superficial.
Too many immoral people have "rediscovered" their faith in God.
Too many atheists have decided to join religions that they don't understand.
I think I really just despise religion.

No offense or anything, but religion (most religions, at least) set up a moral code that the true "believer" is expected to embrace without question.
A believer judges everyone on their certain set of morals, despite that others may not share the same specific code.

My personal belief is that religion is for people who are just too stupid or too afraid to develop their own ideas about God.
Religious leaders cater to that. They prey on humanity's most major weakness- the fear of death. People, by a vast majority, are worried about what happens to their soul after they die. Will they go to Heaven or Hell, Nirvana or be "reborn"? And if they are reborn, what will they be reborn as, human or god, cockroach or hawk?
Christians and Jews believe in an abstract definition of "heaven" and "hell", describing heaven as an ultimate utopia and hell as its paradox.
Muslims have a "caste system", which is based on where a person was in their last life and what place they will take in society in their next.
Buddists believe in karma and dharma, that you are in this life, resolving mistakes made in your last life and in your next life, you will resolve mistakes made in this life.

Personally, I am an atheist. It's not a choice made without trying.
I've looked for a god of my own, studied different religions, but have decided that, well... I'm just not a religious person.

I want to be able to define things by myself, not by having something imposed on me by a society.
I'm not totally without morals. I can read a story about someone being murdered in the newspaper, and decide for myself that, yeah, that's bad.
Yet my morals are decidedly different from the majority of society's.
I don't believe that "victimless crimes" should be illegal. Suicide, the decision to be an addict or not, mandatory counseling, the infintesmal ways that someone call kill themselves slowly, one cell at a time, should not carry a penalty.
These are the choices that a person makes concering themselves. No one else is forced to experience these personal tortures, only the person that chose that particular. And they obviously want what they chose.
It's not entirely impossible to reverse the decision.
Some are harder to reverse than others, obviously, like the quitting marijuana is easier than quitting smack.

You might take "they wanted what they have" as an offense, but it's true.

They are promiscuous because they like sex and see no reason to stop the advances. (This doesn't go for rape or anything, obviously some things happen to people that are out of their control, I'm just talking about the people who fuck person after person because they feel like it.)
People do drugs because they like it. They're not that daft, you know.
You can have a perfectly decent conversation with a user.
And that leads to prostitution, theivery, and other things that druggies resort to to procure money for their habits.

I'm sick of th Bible Belt deciding everyone's morals.

I'll keep myself, thank you, and stay an atheist.
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