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Mosquito Bites

I do have a lot of time on my hands. I don't sleep often, or get out much... in fact, most of my life has been spent in this basement.

(Parents, if your kids are lonely, buy them a computer. They'll never need anyone else ever again.)
(Make sure they have a cable modem. They'll like that even more than the actual computer.)
(And the Sims. Why do you need human interaction when you can create and control humans of your own?)

Anyways, all I do is think. So I figured I'd paste the ramblings here, so you can laugh at them. In fact, that's probably what I'm doing right now.
Why not? It doesn't look like I'll be leaving my basement anytime soon...
Subliminal Advertising
Why The Lack Of Religion Is NOT
What's Wrong With America
You're a Bad Person
The Government and Issues of Interest
Homoerotic Hijinks
Chritianity's Sexual Rebels

Undercover Reports Of a Jellybean Addict
The World's Conspiracies Solved
So Anti-Social Developing Social Complexes The Invisible Man
Lessons in Invisibility
The Forgiveness Complex
Lessons in Forgiveness
The Pity Game
The Grab for Pity