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Home Aryar here answering the age old question: what are energies? As humans we can't possibly expect to know everything about energies. As i've said before, you are entering a realm where things run deeper than humans are capable of comprehending. I will tell you what i know, though i don't know everything. Energies are the life force within you. They keep you alive and can determine your health. if you have to many negative energies, you will tend to be unhappy and unhealthy. Stress becomes overwhelming and it's not fun. If you have mostly positive energies, you will be very happy and healthy. I'm not going to discourage having mostly positive energies, but i'm going to warn you. Things must be balanced. The goddess keeps everything in balance. Here's a story for you: I was on my way home from vacation visiting some family and i noticed it had been raining a lot. A few days at least. Eventually the rain got to be too hard for me to drive in (I only have a permit so i think i was doing pretty good.) My dad took over and i watch how he handled different situations as a sort of learning experience. as i watched the road, i noticed a lot of dead animals on the highway. i thought it was odd because i had never seen more road kill in my life. then i remembered a conversation between me and my friends. Thorn noticed a lot of negative energies. Christa was seeing a lot of dead birds. (this was right before i left.) when i got home i called my friend that has been teaching me about paganism. he said the rain (which had been going on for a week at this point) was happening because we all needed cleasnsing. The animals were dying because something was absorbing the energies and it was killing things. a week later the rain stopped and the road kill ceased. That's why we need balance. Another wonderful thing to keep in mind about energies is that they are litterally everywhere. all matter is just energy condensed. if you really need energies for a ritual you can draw them from a plastic container in your kitchen. (most of you have raised your eyebrows at me by now.) so why shouldnt you? bc plastic lacks the element of spirit and therefore will not be nearly as helpful as a sacred spot or a rock. Hope this answered some questions about energies for ya. ~Aryar