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    this is a list of deities that i've accumulated over time. some are from Roman or Greek mythology, others are from Irish mythology etc.
  • the Great Goddess: The Goddess is Mother Nature. In Catholocism she would be the mother Mary. She is everything in nature that is beauty and she is everything that is hideous. She keeps everything in balance: good and evil, dark and light. Without the Goddess there would be utter chaos. She has 3 phases: maiden, mother and crone.
  • the God: The God is Father Sky. In Christianity of all branches he would be, well, God. I don't honestly remember what he does, but i'm working on finding the info for ya so be patient.
  • Gaia: some call her the mother goddess. in celtic mythology she created the earth.
  • Isis: Goddess of harvest.
  • Zeus/Jupiter: King of the gods, lightining and the eagle are his symbol.
  • Hera/Juno: Queen of the gods, the cow, peacock and lion are her symbol.
  • Poseidon/Neptune: God of the sea, the horse is his symbol.
  • Dememter/Ceres: Goddess of harvest, the poppy is her symbol.
  • Hephaestus/Vulcan: God of the blacksmiths, the quail is his symbol.
  • Ares/Mars: God of war, the wild boar and the blood- stained spear are his symbols.
  • Athena/Minerva: Goddess of wisdom, the owl is her symbol.
  • Aphrodite/Venus: Goddess of love and beauty, the dove is her symbol.
  • Apollo: God of music, poetry and medicine, the mouse is his symbol.
  • Artemis/Diana: Goddess of hunting and maidens, the female bear is her symbol. some consider her to be the same as the Great Goddess, for they are much alike but i have no opinion on this as of yet.
  • Hermes/Mercury: Messenger God and God of merchants, the crane is his symbol.
  • Dionysus/Bacchus: God of wine, the tiger is his symbol.
  • Hestia/Vesta: Goddess of the home. she is very simple and not very well known. i think she tends the hearth at Mt. Olympus, but i am not sure so any who know otherwise please email me.
  • Morpheus: roman god of dreams.
  • Nyx: goddess of night, mother of thanatos and hypnos.
  • Thanatos: god of death, closely associated with Hades.
  • Hypnos: god of sleep, father of morpheus.

as all of you probably noticed, i need more info on the deities. any and all go back to home and click on the link to email me please. your help will be much appreciated! ~Aryar