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  • Unicorns
  • Pegasus


Unicorns are very powerful horses. Although traditionally unicorns are a pure white there are a variety of colors. These cretures prefer females especially virgins and it is said that only a female virgin can ride one. There horn is very powerful not only as a weapon but a magical element (usually involving healing).


Winged horses

The original Pegasus to show it self to humans was first in Greece. It was born out of Medusa when she died. Because of his master forcing him to fly to Mount Olipus the gods decided to punish him, luckily a Muse realized it was not Pegasus's fault so he became a star constellation. Most Pegasus are varing shade of white, gray, and black. (If anyone knows of more colors please tell me)


Meditation is the key and a pure heart since these are some of the most pure hearted creatures. Always willing to help the weak and especially the undefended, they make good friends and are highly loyal. Remember to look for a white or silver aura because some emities can easily mirror appearences. Ask nicely and remeber that like horses these creatures are timid. always aproach with caution. Most will eventually come with a little bit of talking, although some are not as easily convinced.


Mystical Creatures