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The History of

American Standard started off as Postall with Jesse on vocals, James on Drums, Rob on Guitars, and Drew on Bass. They had a few songs such as "Bad Obsession", "Jesse Hendrix", and "The Jazzy Song". They played "Bad Obsession" at the Mt. Ararat talent show, and that's also when I first saw them perform. Jesse left to go to some juvenille detention center, and Jayme joined sometime in 1998. They changed their name to American Standard and went more political, because those were the only kind of lyrics Jayme could write. Well, except for "Drink Till She's Beautiful" a song making fun of drunken sluts that would do anything with a dick, including Jayme...maybe. They played a few shows with The Shakedowns (James was in them too), Concious Youth (The other members of The Shakedowns). FBI and The Toughguys, (great band), and Don't Hit Your Sister in 1999, (part of Basement Tour '99) Then they went on a long hiatus, finally getting back together in 2000 to record some new songs, they didn't play another show, unfourtanetly.

But, American Standard was a great band, and I'm not just saying that because I was the singer. I was listening to the tape the other day, and I couldn't believe how it sounded. It actually sounded good, even with the poor quality of the recording. It might have been pure nostalgia, but both Rob and myself got goosebumps. He is planning on remastering the old tapes and we WILL be releasing them before we start back up, so look for that. They'll either be free or really frickin cheap. So, keep posted, and I'll try to update this page more often.

.........................................Yup, Jayme