Surfin East Hampton

these are some pics of epic East Hampton waves with more then worthy riders like Scott Bluedorn, Jon (the Baptist) Simmons,Mike and Malik(rab) solumon, david (mavid) Mcmaster, alex (Blowfish) Bluedorn, Jackson Peddy, Evan (Jesus) schuman, John (shalome) Berger, Dan (god) Asselin, John Dayton, Joe Calvito, our bro Chris Harmon, and once in a blue moon we are blessed with the prescence of the infamous Lewis Burgdorf.... well anyway heres som E.H. Surf!!

the famous Chris Harmon

this picture speaks for this natural art team rider.

god asselin

Dan is one of the more experienced rippers of the Georgica prarie, as you can see he knows what he's doing, and hes doing an air. Dan is a soul surfer at heart. At only age 15 He plays lead guitar in a successfull band called farewell in splendor. And has a good job as a Mainbeach Beach boy to support his wife and 7 children in there lovley trailer park home.

$cott Bluedorn pullin a gnarley cutback

Scott is a talented artist who does art for an east coast company called Earthy soul owned by a happy little midget named Lou Realle

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wave photos
