Take Off Your Pants And Jacket
Told by Mark Hoppus and Tom DeLongeFirst Date by Tom
Every dude gets nervous whether we admit it or not. I thought about the first date I had with my lady and put every one of those feelings in this song. I always envy girls. If they want a kiss, it's super easy, they just open their face and do it. For a guy, you have to hope to God she wants one. If not, you are a chump and you go home a wounded soldier. - Has anyone ever kissed someone with bad breath? Don't ever kiss someone who eats dog shit.
Anthem Pt. 2 by Tom
This is a song that I'm super proud of. It is really all about being a kid and feeling like fuck, if everybody says I'm fucked up and I'm wrong and I need to act differenty then hey - it's your fault (the adults) cause they are the ones that chose my schools, laws, and well... you get the picture.
Reckless Abandon by Tom
Everybody has old summer memories. This is my song about going to the beach and hanging with my homeslices. This song is about going skateboarding from 12 noon to 12 midnight every day of the week. And most of all, it's about going to parties when peoples' parents were gone. This is a song about kids recking the town and leaving a sign to the next generation... one that they will have to top.
Please Take Me Home by Tom
Every boy falls in love every once in awhile with a friend of theirs. A girlfried. Not a dude friend. Unless of course, you like dudes, and that's fine too. Anyway, this song is crazy influenced by one of my favorite bands, Fugazi. This is one of my top fav songs on the record. I think it sounds so cool, it just has a cool groove to it. Next record will leave more songs like this and STFTK. These songs are fun to play. Oh yeah, girls take hearts and eat them, beware dudes.
Don't Tell Me It's Over by Tom
One of my favorite lines I ever wrote is: "Guys like to run, chicks love to yell you see, guys hate to fight, girls think it's therapy." This is more true then air. Dudes are like, calm down, and chicks need to talk it out over a period of two weeks.
Give Me One Good Reason by Tom
I felt like I was the only one in high school who liked my kind of music. Punk rock was only listened to by me, and a couple of skinhead friends. Anti-racist skins. Since 7th grade, that's all I ever listened to. Punk rock to me is about being who you are and hating everyone else. Luckily there happens to be some music to go along with the feeling. Never ever try to be like the popular kids. Fuck them. regardless of what people say, I've been a punker since 7th grade, when most of our fans were in kindergarten. So never confirm, love who you are. Fuckers.
What Went Wrong by Tom
All songs start on acoustic guitars for us. So this one, we left on the acoustic. I love this song. It's so sad, and pretty, and has that sappy little clarinet thing in it. There is a song that starts the movie "Angus". This song was inspired by that song. The band is called "Love spit Love." It's the guy from a cool 80's band called Physcadellic Furs.
Time To Break Up by Tom
Guys can never please girls. They are two species that will never see eye to eye. My friend Blair, he's standing in line for Enema, and broke up with this chick and freaked out. He second guessed everything. He realized that maybe he shouldn't have broken up with her. Well, alot of people do that. With your wite someone, the grass is always greener. Then when you part, you start to miss all the cool things that only you can share. You better be damn sure when you leave somebody, you might not get them back when you come to your senses.
Story Of A Lonely Guy by Tom
Another song about heartache - I remember always feeling like the world might be a little different if everybody wasn't such a pussy and said what they wanted to people they liked. The problem is, people are too scared of rejection. How many times have you seen somebody somewhere, but didn't say a thing. Next time, fuck it, if you like someone, say something. The worst that could happen is they'll smile and say "thanks" or "no thanks". -Note- The little "duh da duhs" are inspired from listening to David Bowie in the skateboard film "The End".
The Rock Show by Mark
A few years ago there used to be a club in San Diego called "Soma". It was covered with Graffitti, it stunk, it was made of metal, the sound sucked, and the toilets were always overflowing. It was the best, we loved it. We used to watch bands play there every weekend. Blink-182 began in this club. This song is about those days. Soma isn't around anymore. The city hates it when kids have somewhere to go and hang out. Fuck them.
Everytime I Look For You by Mark
I honestly have no idea what this one is about.
Happy Holidays, You Bastard by Mark
This song is the one that really pisses your parents off. I wrote this song on Christmas Eve, because I was way behind on wrapping presents, and rather then take carer of the problem, I picked up a guitar and wrote a fucked up song about it. I finished wrapping them at about 3 in the morning.
Online Songs by Mark
Have you ever broken up with a girl? Yeah, me too. This song is about the thoughts that drive you crazy when a relationship ends. Tom knows this feeling well. He has no friends. Girls hate him, and with good reason. So I guess this song is really about Tom and how he hates it when girls break his heart.
Roller Coaster by Mark
I used to date this girl, and I couldn't tell anyone about it. The whole situation sucked, so I wrote a song about it.
Shut Up by Mark
Throughout life, people will try to control you, tell you how you should live, what you should think, how you should act. This is my message to those people. Like Bad Religion says: "Everybody knows what's best for you."
Stay Together For The Kids by Mark
Divorce sucks. Its so fucked. But hey, I'm not the only one to go through it. I guess parents are people too. Just lock yourself in a room, mine was my personal sanctuary.Enema Of The State
Told by Tom DeLonge
That's all about wishing you had a girl you could train. I remember writing the song thinking about my dog. You can train the dog to sit, to be quiet, to be a good dog. But you can't teach a girl to do anything. So I thought that'd be cool to write a song about...If only you had a girl that you could train like a dog, that'd be cool because then she could never make you mad, and she would never be a woman. And women are just a whole different species. So that song was written [like] 'As if...'
Don't Leave Me
Mark wrote that song, so I can't really speak about what was going through his mind when he wrote that one. But I can judge on the lyrics. He wrote that song when he didn't even have a girlfriend, so I don't know who he's talking to. Sometimes you write a relationship song that really doesn't have that much deep meaning. I think it's just like that feeling when you're really in love with a girl, you're just thinking 'Please, please, please don't stop liking me.' That's the gist of the song. All the times you put your feelings into liking a girl, and she doesn't like you at all, and she thinks you're a scumbag. So therefore that song's like a prayer to a girl. Always hoping that you won't make the girl throw up forever, always hoping that the girls will love you. We speak for all males, we write songs hoping that girls will like us dirty rotten boys for a long time.
Aliens Exist
As a hobby all I ever do is read books and study material on UFOs and government conspiracies. So I wrote a song about a guy talking about aliens as though he's had a weird experience but nobody believes him, they think he's full of shit. But he's directing his angst toward the government, because the government knows there's something going on. But I'm one of those freaks that really believes that stuff exists. I think if anybody out there does a little bit of research they will find that they side with me. I think it's just a cool song coming from that point of view. I read books about abductions, and there are hundreds of thousands of people a year have an experience at night and they don't know what it is, they just know what they saw and what they felt, but nobody believes them.
Going Away To College
That's a super-romantic song. Mark wrote the song as though you are a boy leaving your girlfriend, after years of school together. After high school, when you're leaving to go to college, and what do you say to this girl that you've been in love with for years, but now have to leave for years? I don't think it gets more romantic than that. It's a sad song and it's really moving. It's one of my favorite songs on the record, and the way the lyrics flow with the music, I just think it's a really sad, emotional song. It's something a lot of people go through. You probably date a girl in high school and grow up with her and learn so much about each other and have so many growing pains and have to leave to go to college. Do you stay with her, do you break up with her, do you have faith in the relationship...? I don't know. That's a cool thing to write a song about.
Dysentery Gary
I wrote that song from a point of view. What if you were a guy who liked a girl, but the girl likes a different guy? It's kinda like 'I hate that guy, but I'm not sure why I hate him.' That's where it's supposed to come from. This guy is really frustrated because this girl doesn't like him, so he's going to make fun of this other guy. 'I can't think about any cruel things to say about him, but f%#k, I just don't like him.' That's the attitude that song has. 'And this girl broke my heart.' That'll make you feel a little bit better.
Adam's Song
The story behind that is Mark read a letter someone sent him as an email, that a kid wrote before he committed suicide to his parents. We kind of got together and wrote this sad, slow song. It came out sadder than we ever thought it would, which is good too. Any song that moves you is good. Some people listen to it and go 'Wow, that's a real bum-out of a song.' But it's one of those things, a story of a kid not being happy in his life, crossed with us being really lonely on tour. At the end of it there's a better way out, there are better things to do than kill yourself.
All The Small Things
'All The Small Things' is a song I wrote for my girlfriend while we were recording. I had to write her a song, because I wrote songs about other girls, but I haven't written one for her. So I was kinda getting some heat for that. Not really though, because I love my girlfriend, so I was like, 'I need to write a rad song' because I was scared - if the song came out bad, my girlfriend would be pissed. So I kinda warned her that it would come out bad. Then it came out good, so I was happy. But the lyrics are totally true in that song - 'She left me roses by the stairs.' I remember I came home late one night about midnight and she left roses on the stairs because I was working late every night in the studio. It's a song for everyone to have sex by.
The Party Song
That song is about going to one of those parties and people getting drunk and being stupid and girls trying to be the center of attention. It's just about girls trying too hard, acting like dimwits. I think we've all been there, we've all been to those parties where there's all these guys creeping out on three girls who just can't get enough attention.
'Mutt' is a song I wrote about my friend Benji Weatherly, a professional surfer who has sex all the time. His name's Benji, but everyone nick named him Mutt, and it's just a song about a guy and a girl who like to have sex and who don't really care about much of anything else. I guess that doesn't really matter, as long as they're having fun. It's not too deep. As long as it seems deep, that's all that matters.
Wendy Clear
'Wendy Clear' is a song Mark wrote about this girl he had a crush on. He liked her but he really couldn't date her because she was a very influential person in the music industry. So them dating was a very tricky situation. 'I wish it didn't have to be so bad,' is how the song goes.
'Anthem' is a song I wrote about having a party at your house, your parents coming home and finding out. I did that to my friend one time. I wanted my band to play - in high school - at my friend's house. His parents left only until midnight, but I still told the whole school that we were playing there. Thousands of people showed up, and then they all had to leave and we had to clean up the place before the parents came back at 12. It was so funny. The whole place chipped in with the clean up, but the cops showed up and his parents found out that way. So he ended up getting in to a lot of trouble. I couldn't believe that I invited all those people over and his parents were only away until midnight. The stereo was broken...there was a fight, there was blood everywhere. It was so funny.Dude Ranch
Told by Mark Hoppus
Apple Shampoo
this song is about a girl I had a crush on, and she used apple shampoo, and her hair always smelled like it.
Dick Lips
this song was written by tom, and he had no title for it. The day that we recorded it, our producer asked what the title for the song was, and tom had none. On that particular day, I was stoked on the phrase "dick lips," and was calling everyone that name through the whole session. When Trombino asked tom for the title, I suggested dick lips as the name, and tom was stoked on it. We originally were going to come up with a better title when the record actually came out, but we ended up liking the name, and it stuck.
emo is actually a style of music, and we thought this song kind of sounded like an emo song when we worte it. During rehearsals, we would say, "hey, let's play that emo sounding song again." The title stuck.
lemmings are animals which follow one another and run off of cliffs into the sea to their deaths. The song is about an old friend of mine who expected everyone to follow what he said was correct. Most of the time, what he thought was correct was really idiotic. He expected us to be lemmings...
A New Hope
this is the actual title of star wars. Watch the beginning credits when the words scroll up the screen.
I made this word up while belching, and wanted to title a song with it. This was the song that got stuck with that title.Cheshire Cat
Told by Jim Schwartz
(webmaster of "21 days on a carousel")
CarouselThis is more or less a nostolgic song. You see this girl here and ther, but miss her. You're faced with life's everyday problems, and appreciate what you get. You often wish, though, that you could be young and free again, but you are always alone...
M+M'sI think this is about how much you love this one girl, that you would do anything for her. At the end it questions if she would be yours or not.
FentoozlerThis is about being with someone you used to care about, but now they are starting to get on your nerves. Everything they do you hate, and you just sit and act like you care.
Touchdown BoyThis one's about a jock who gets everything: girls, money, fame.
StringsI guess this is about living life controlled, doing anything, but still not wanting to be alone.
Peggy SueHere's the situation: You're at this girl's house sitting in her room. She is outside talking to her parents, who hate you and just love to say what they think of you. You just kind of laugh it off and figure you're not alone.
SometimesThis is about just feeling so many different things that you don't quite really know what's going on.
Does My Breath Smell?One word: Rejection.
CacophonyI think this is about switching situations in the love aspect. When you're faced with this, you don't know what to do. The song switches around at the end though.
TVI think Mark just likes to watch TV.
Toast And BananasThis song is pretty much opposite of many of the others. It's about wanting and loving not to be with somebody.
Wasting TimeOK, you really like this girl, and you're always spending time thinking about that what if she thinks about you. You think about the things you could do to impress her and what you could do together, but you just don't have the guts to tell her. You're wasting your time.
Romeo And RebeccaAnother love song about how a girl has wrecked your life and finding out that they are a waste of time, but you still love them and don't want to be alone. Whoa-that was really a runon sentence.
Ben Wah BallsA joke song about getting to know your dad.
Just About DoneAnother joke song.
DependsI'm just going to explain the songs that can only be found on this album. The others should be in with the Cheshire Cat songs.
21 Days
This song is about falling in love with a girl that you would do anything for, but she still won't talk to you. It is also about the confusion and questioning that comes with it.
Reebok Commercial
This one is about "material objects," and not being jealous over clothes and stuff like that. DOWN WITH ABERCROMBIE!!!
My Pet Sally
This is about having someone that you don't have that much time to get together with, but you still want them to stay.
Point Of View
This is just about two people that disagree and see things in basically the exact opposite way, hence the title, "Point Of View."
Basically a song about not wanting to be restricted to the limits of time...
The Girl Next Door
This is actually a Screaching Weasels' song. It's about a girl who follows the wrong path and ends up dying.
This is about a girl that you used to care about, but now that she finally cares about you (or at least she says she does), you no longer have the same feelings anymore.Misc. Songs
Told by Jim Schwartz
(webmaster of "21 days on a carousel")
Family Next Door, Transvestite, and Family Reunion, Mark's Boyfriend, The Country SongOK, these are pretty much just joke songs...
I Won't Be Home For ChristmasYet another joke song, but this is about Christmas. It explains about hating Christmas and the stupid carrolers. Its ends up that he is sent to jail for beating them up with "a baseball bat."
Dancing With MyselfWell, they didn't write this song, I think it was Billy Idol. It's when you can't find somebody to dance with-so you do it with yourself.
Wrecked HimThis is about someone who says a lot, but is never heard. He can also never decide.
ZuluThis is about someone who has done what they wanted to do, but always hid their emotions. He always ended up bad, and made wrong decisions. He also likes to jack-off.
Good TimesThe title is a good enough description of the song.
Man OverBoardLosing a friend, abandonement..., what else can I say?
Blow JobA funny little thing they play at concerts tryin' to get some clothes of of people...sexist assholes!!
Dead Man's CurveI guess it's something about faering nothing...