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Band Updates

2/15/02-WOW! You guys were INSANE! Thanks so much for getting into it (see, it is alot more fun that way). The crowd was so crazy that our 7 song set got cut down to 4 songs. Alex Hayner and Bryan Murphy were crowd surfing and were pretty much off the wall for the whole night. But, if we win, we will be able to play on the last day of school at Chene Park across the street. Hopefully, they judge on crowd performance because you guys won it for us. Thanks for anyone who came and thanks for having a good time.

2/13/02-The show is tommorrow, but we've got some last minute updates. T-Shirts are now going to be EXTREMELY LIMITED. We have a lot less supplies than what we thought we had. We are going to make about 5 of them. Bring 10 dollars, you'll be lucky to get one. Some info about the actual show times: The Java Band Jam will start around 8 PM. I know people have things going on at 8 so if you don't come at 8, it's perfectly fine. Exit-5 won't even be there until about 9:30 anyways. The first bands that will be playing are New Shirt Tuesday (Last year's Half-Shell Heros)and Yesterday's News will be the first two act's. Following up will be the Gremlins at around 9:15 PM. The Gremlins are a sight to see, try to make it when they go on stage. Exit-5's show time is at 10:10, and they will play till 10:35 or so. Stick around after to listen to Bamboozled and hang out with some people. If you can't make it at 8, it doesn't matter. You are allowed to come and go as many times as you would like. Admission is free, but keep in mind that any band will be better if there are more people watching. In attendence, the Birmingham Coalition (The guys who run the Java Jam) are expecting 5 to 8 HUNDRED kids to attend. Some extra news: If Exit-5 "wins" the Java Jam, they return in June for another battle of the band's on the last day of School for another Band Jam, only this time in Chene Park (Across the street from the Community House, where The Strokes and White Stripes have played) so show some support and cheer as loud as you can and get into the music and at least ACT like your having fun. After Exit-5 performs, you can go wherever and do whatever, the night is young. So we will see you tommorrow, and thanks a lot everyone who is coming, we couldn't do this without you guys.

2/12/02- Its now 2 days before the Java Jam. While Exit-5 will be only playing a 25 minute set (due to the large number of bands) we will still be selling T-Shirts. The show is free, but ask your parents for 10 dollars and say the show is 6 dollars. It's a sure thing. Buy a shirt, we're going to have about 3 styles, and we will only be selling about 15 of them. See one of the band members if you would like to buy one. While some of you are asking about attendence, we have been keeping in touch with the band "Bamboozled" from Seaholm, and they said there is going to be a good turn-out of kids. Kids from U of D, Marion, Dondero, Kimball, Mercy, Sacred Heart, Groves, Seaholm, SCS, Brother Rice, Canton, Cranbrook, Rochester Adams, Eisenhower, Troy High, Troy Athens and Berkley High have all been invited, and if we forgot to list your school, then you have NO school spirit. There has been alot of exposure for this event, and it's going to be alot of fun. Despite the fact that Exit-5 has no real demo or basically anything to sing along to, don't let that bug you. Get into the music and jump around, you'll have alot more fun that way. All we ask is that you show up when we go on stage (10:10 PM) and cheer loud when we do something cool. weapons or explosives, thanks.

2/10/02-If you haven't already heared, Exit-5 will be performing at the Java Jam. The date is Feb. 14th and even though it is Valentine's Day, come on, I mean seriously, no one cares that you and your "hunny" are going out on a "date." The time is from 8 to 11, and Exit-5 will be going on at 10. So be there and jump around and have some fun. For directions to the Community House, type in this adress on : 380 South Bates Street, Birmingham. It is right across from Chene Park and down the street from Max and Erma's. Thanks, see you on the 14th.

12/6--Its been a super long time since we've updated the site, but we have good news! Exit-5 has planned a Christmas show with an opening band. So break out your freshman year demo tapes and learn the songs. We will be posting lyrics, so check back periodically to see if your song is written. The Christmas show will be on December 14th, at the Fontana warehouse, email us or call us for directions. If we do get alot of people, it will be sweet, so even if you don't like Exit-5, dont worry! because we don't like them either, but theres gona be alot of cool people there, so come hang out and listen to some music. For directions, copy and paste this into your browser window.

10/4--Well it's a day before the show, and our nerves are kicking in. We have some new info : Exit-5 will be playing at 3:20 PM, so tell your friends who are going to arrive at 2 PM. There are two stages in the building, The Majestic and The Magic Stick, we are not sure what stage we are on, so if its close to 3:20 PM, and Exit-5 is getting ready, go to the other stage. Bring your lighters, and 20 bucks if you want to buy a shirt.

9/27--Thanks to everyone who bought a ticket in Birmingham on September 27th, we appreciate it, and thanks to Caribou coffee for doping us up on caffiene and supplying us with free scones. In other news, for anyone who missed out, perhaps ran out of money....we will be back in Bham on Friday the 4th, so be prepared and don't waste your money. As the show gets closer and closer, we ask everyone to get super pumped, and listen to our songs and know the music, THANKS!

9/15--Exit 5 will be playing on October 5, at the Majestic Theatre. Tickets are 12 bucks,for 40 other bands from 11am to 11pm, let one of the members know if you want to go, show your support please.

5/22 -- Some Photos put up.   

5/14 -- Work started on our new website layout. More and more new stuff will be put on the site so check back every once in a while.

* We're planning another show at Forester Studio near Troy.... dates and times TBA *


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For now, peace.