The Last Kiss


Release Date:
Jan. 22 2002
Record Company:
1. A.F.I.- Dream of Waking
2. The Damned- Democracy
3. Bodyjar- Not the Same
4. The Vandals- Behind the Music
5. Rufio- Still
6. The Offspring- Jennifer Lost the War
7. T.S.O.L.- Wasted
8. Stavesacre- You Know How it is
9. Ensign- Black Clouds vs. Silver Linings
10. Guttermouth- Hit Machine
11. A.F.I.- Wester
12. Divit- Misunderstanding Maybe
13. The Offspring- A Thousand Days
14. The Vandals- Why Are You Alive
15. The Damned- Looking for Action
16. T.S.O.L.- Sold
17. Original Sinners- Birds & Bees
18. Son of Sam- Michael
19. The Turbo A.C.'s- Hyponotized
20. A.F.I.- The DAys of the Phoenix
Also on the cd is:
A.F.I. The Days of the Phoenix video
Bodyjar Not the Same video
Members On It:
Davey Havok- Vocals
Jade Puget- Guitar
Adam Carson- Drums
Hunter- Bass