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The Fleet
This might take a while loading, so if you have to pee.. go pee! Oh yeah and these are low resolution pics so sorry if they are crap!

This is mike bailing out on his bike 'Old School'

Tony, doing what he does best.. digging through the trash.

Ricky bunny hopping on the limo!.

Tony screaming

Mik with a shopping cart... This can't be good.

Tony popping too big of wheelies.

Mike jumping in to a dumpster.


I don't know whats up with this. When I was I my bike I took a picture of my stem for fun, and I guess tony did too!

Ohhhh, Ricky the tough guy.. Flicking off the wall!

A little chain troubles...

Theres me again... flying into the dumpster!(tony's a little too excited...hmm..)

Mike and Tony...checking out the wonderful garbage!

Mike and Ricky...cruising the alley ways.

Tony's head first in the dumpster.

Hey, he found something...

Those are the bikes we found at goodwill! And hey, thats mike!

Mike found a slide in the dumpster..he looks pretty excited!

Thats a big light on mike's head.

Tony...Still digging through the trash!

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