Ways to Combat In Your School
- Display a poster-size version of the pledge in a prominent area of your school and encourage prople to sign it.
- Establish a Diversity Club that serves as an umbrella organization to promote harmony and respect for differences. Reach out to sport teams, drama clubs and language clubs for ideas and involement. If your school already has a Diversity Club, hold a member drive.
- Initiate classroom discussion of terms such as anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, homophobia, and bias. Then compose a list of definitions and post it in a prominent place.
- Invite a motivational speaker who is a recognized civil or human rights leader to address an all-school assembly. Videotape the speech and publish an interview with the speaker in the school and local newspapers.
- Organize an essay contest whose theme is either a personal experience with prejudice or a success story in the fight against it. Suggest that the winning entries be published in your school newspaper, featured in your town newspaper or highlighted on a local cable program.
- Create an anti-prejudice slogan for your school that could be printed as a bumper sticker and sold in the wider community to raise funds for these efforts.
- Hold a rock against racism concert, or a dance-a-thon, bike-a-thon,car wash, or battle-of-the-bands and donate the proceeds from ticket sales to underwrite diversity training and other programs for the school.
- Form a student-faculty committee to write rules of respect for your school and display the finished set of rules in every classroom.
- Invite your district attorney, police chief or a rep from the attorney general's office to speak to your school about civil rights, hate crimes and other legal aspects of the fight against prejudice.
- Designate a wall space on or near school grounds where graffiti with harmonious and unifying message can be written, drawn or painted.
- Publish a newsletter specifically devoted to promoting respect for divesity and publicizing multicultural events. Try to have your local newspaper or community Internet homepage do the same.
- Encourage representation of all students on every school board, committee, and team.
- Write an orginal song/chant/rap that celebrates your school's diversity and perform it at school rallies and other events
- Create a flag or poster that symbolizes your school's ideal of diversity and display it at games, assemblies, and other school events
- Hold a t-shirt contest to come up with a logo or slogan like I DON'T PUT UP WITH PUT DOWNS. The winning t-shirt design could be printed and sold at your school bookstore, community events, sports competitions, and local shops
- Create a school calendar with all holidays and important civil rights dates represented
- Participate in a poster campaign such as ADL's YOU CAN'T TURN YOUR FACE AWAY FROM HATE that encourages people to intervene when confonted with instances of prejudices
- Create an orientation program that addresses the needs of all students of all backgrounds so that they feel welcome when joining the student body
- Initiate a pin drive in which students look for pins with positive slogans and tack them onto a designated bulletin board in the student lounge or other central gathering area.
- Poll your teachers about their ethnic/ cultural backgrounds and their expernices with prejudice. Ask each to write a short paragraph on the subject that can be compiled along with photos in a teacher Mug Book.
- Produce a Proud Out Loud video comprised of interviews with students and their grandparents about their ethnic heritage and why they are proud of it.
- Host a poetry slam in which students read aloud orginal poems/raps that breakdown stereotypes and promote respect for diversity. Invite participants to present their work at PTA meetings, Chamber of Commerce events, and other community gatherings.
- Research pro-diversity web sites, then build a web page for your school and link it to others on the internet.
- Contact ADL about monitoring hate activities on the internet.
Other ways to Combat
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Combat PrejudiceI
Band Member's WebsitesI