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Irken Invader



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Zim:Irken Invader

Standard Info:

RACE: Irken

AGE: ---
OCCUPATION: Irken Invader
ACTIVITY: Planning Earths Doom

Extended Info:

When your one of the shortest members of society where height determines status, you have to figure of a way to get noticed. If you’re Invader Zim, an IRKEN INVADER of particularly pint-sized stature, then you go about every task with more energy and fervor than 100 taller Irkens. If that means that, prior to very important invasion, you prematurely pilot a gigantic destructo-bot, which stomps your home planet to smithereens, well, at least you showed everyone the depth of your enthusiasm. Its precisely this- Zim’s boundless, blind, almost frightening dedication to his task- which tends to cause him the problems. And also the Almighty Tallest have sent him on his current “reconnaissance mission” to a little- known space rock in the boondocks of the universe. By all accounts, it should mean they wont have to endure his misguided mishaps any longer. But when Zim discovers a race of Bi-pedal Humanoid Organisms rip as melon for colonization, things get interesting…