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This Site, And All Its Glory!!!

Harri B

OK, this is the serious bit (or not) where I go on about this site and its immaculate conception. Here goes..

This site, HarriLand, was created by ME and not YOU, so don't go stealing anything! That would be really mean anyway. And you're not like that. Are you? Are you? ARE YOU? Well, I don't actually know, and until computers make amazing technological advances I probably won't, so, I'm TRUSTING you. And trust is a precious thing, bla bla bla..

The HarriLand logo is property of, erm, Harri, so don't use it without permission.

If you find any broken links or anything bad on this site (like, as if you would!), just drop me an email and I'll fix 'em out for you. Sorted!

If you want to link back to this site, please do!!

So, there you, go, those are the ground rules. I'll leave you alone now...