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Adopt A Rockstar!!!

Once upon a time, in a perfect world, there were only rock stars. They all lived together in a shoe (yep, that's right, a shoe) and they were all children of a grumpy old lady who sat around all day mending their clothes (''Ripped jeans are IN? Not in this lifetime'') and criticising their records. Now, being temperamental lil' things, her rockstar kids were none too chuffed with their mamma's negative 'tude, so, without going into too much detail, Tom DeLonge whacked her over the head with his guitar and bye-bye Mumsy.

But wait! Hold it riiiight there! What was to happen to those poor rockstars?! Homeless and orphaned! Sigh.. Hang on a minute. Would YOU be interested in adopting a rockstar? Would ya? Would ya?

Why You Should Adopt A Rockstar...

Soooo...ready or not??

Buzz me right in!
Me? A parent? I'll miss *Friends*!
