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CD Reviews!

So you listen to the radio, you sing along to your Mum's David Cassidy of an evening (hey Jen!!), you might even be lucky, or rich enough, to have a few CDs of your own (oooh, how extraordinary!) But anyway, even if none of the above apply to you, surely you like SOME music, even if it's just your school choir, or that weird clangy African tribal music you get on telly ads. Go on, admit it. And like it or not, whether you love music or hate its melodic guts, you must have an opinion on it. You just must..and if you don't, you can't love or hate it anyway. So there. So, without many further ados (you know that that's kinda hard for me sometimes..), why not read up on my own views, as wonderful as they are, try not to get too jealous!

Music makes the people come together, yeah...

What Hits!?--Red Hot Chili Peppers
Moulin Rouge OST--Various
There Is Nothing Left To Lose --Foo Fighters
