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You've reached the page about..Sarah (Chewable Morphine)! Now, if you are not her yourself, you are probably either her mother or very bored. But anyway. This is, indeed, a page about Sarah. So, read on!

I first met Sarah (aka Chewable!) when I started writing Chili Peppers fiction on FanFiction.Net. Ever since we've been email and MSN buddies..talking about John Frusciante, the Peppers, and life in general..not to mention lots of bitching about Milla Jovovich!! Yey!

ALSO KNOWN AS: Chewable (Morphine)


Good at..talking about John Frusciante, being inspirational (and nice!), hating Milla Jovovich, writing fan fiction!

What you never knew about her..she's from Canada, she loves John (if you HADN'T guessed)

Annoy her by..not being nice (lol)