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You've reached the page about..CLAIRE! Now, if you are not Claire yourself, you are probably either her mother or very bored. But anyway. This is, indeed, a page about Claire. So, read on!

I've known Claire for 2 years, like everyone else,and I have to say I have come to the conclusion that she is a pretty cool chick. She's always the first with all the goss from Big Brother et al, and she's even been offered a modelling job or two! Phew! But she's not just a pretty face. She's really nice and stuff and you can't be in a mood with her for long!

ALSO KNOWN AS: Cherry (Joe)


Good at..being cool (unlike me), having clear skin, being humorous, decorating planners, I dunno, being nice!!

What you never knew about her..she could be and probably will be a model, she has a crazy Swedish penpal called Maj Boman (email for fun and laffs)

Annoy her by..saying she's a sallow marshmallow..