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You've reached the page about..ELIZABETH! Now, if you are not Elizabeth yourself, you are probably either her mother or very bored. But anyway. This is, indeed, a page about Elizabeth. So, read on!

I've known Elizabeth for about 2 years, since we met at school. She's changed A LOT since then, but has always been pretty mad. Over the time I've known her she's wanted to do just about everything..her ambitions have included weaner-selling, goat-farming, storm-chasing, selling graffiti and being a rockstar. Right now? I dunno actually! But if it's anything interesting you'll read it here first!

ALSO KNOWN AS: Elizabeth Chicagi, Kandi Lartisse, Liz


Good at..Art, making stuff in F.T., being nice, talking about Red Hot Chili Peppers, being moaned to, being COOL, but not in an obvious way..

What you never knew about her..she can sing like Pavarotti (kinda), she used to have an All Saints poster on her bedroom wall, she used to live in Chicagi, in the good ol' U S of A, she is a hippy (!)

Annoy her by..Mentioning her nose (oops!)