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How To...

You probably know how to do a lot of things, right? I mean, I bet you know how to use a toilet, for one thing. I bet you also know how to pick your nose, however some people do this more than others, so please do not feel bad if you do not regularly practise this skill. Anyway, there are also some things you probably don't know how to do, such as enjoying a Britney Spears Special on MTV, or indeed making a site as technologically advanced and intellectually brilliant as this one (ahem).

But, you lucky things, this here is a page which just tells you how to do stuff in 8 easy steps! Yep, it really does, and it may well assist you in accomplishing a variety of tasks. If not, it may well entertain you, so you can't lose really!

So, here it is, updated regularly (you wish), it's the How To page!! *sounds fanfare* Let the games begin!

How To Be Hated