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You've reached the page about..JEN! Now, if you are not Jen yourself, you are probably either her mother or very bored. But anyway. This is, indeed, a page about Jen. So, read on!

Jen's been my buddy for 2 years. We first really got talking when she was in her West Side Story phase (it's a loooooong story) on the way back from a school trip and the rest, as they say, is history. Admittedly we've fallen out quite a lot, but I luv her really! She's helped me with Maths loads without batting an eyelid..what a gal! Plus she's very clever. And perfect, as she claims? Will we ever know?!

Good at..Maths, lovin' Christian Slater, not going on the internet, being organised..

What you never knew about her..she, um, loves Christian Slater/River Phoenix/a LOT of people, she is a renowned maths boff

Annoy her by..commenting on her (fake) nails!