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You've reached the page about..KATIE! Now, if you are not Katie yourself, you are probably either her mother or very bored. But anyway. This is, indeed, a page about Katie. So, read on!

I've known Katie for a couple of years but we didn't really get to know each other until the end of our first year at school together, when we had to share a room on a school trip to France (that was interesting..) Since then we've been really good friends..and yeah, we fall out LOADS, but that makes it interesting!

ALSO KNOWN AS: Key, Katherine (Ellen)


Good at..knowing stuff about Russia, being a boff ie. too clever for her own good, Politics, reading, sucking up to Mrs O'Dea (bitch English teacher), dissing RHCP (grr..)

What you never knew about her..she used to like Britney, she has singing lessons, she has a Russian penpal, Vova aka Loser..

Annoy her by..saying she fancies Vova! It works!