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Cool Links...

Links are lots of fun. You just click on them and are instantly transported into a wonderland of fun, frolics and lifetime supplies of chocolate and Chili Peppers CDs a-plenty. OK, maybe not, but hey, a girl can dream, can't she? Basically, links are indeed fun, and you do indeed click on them, so click away coz here's the best of the web!


Home Time

Ta Wacks!

The Lovely Peeps Who Let Me Adopt The Unicorns!!
The Lovely Place Where I Made This Site!!!
The Lovely Peeps Who Gave Me The Chatroom!!!
The Lovely Place Where I Got The Slambook!!!

The (un)Weakest Links!

Catherine's Dreamland: VERY KOOL site belonging to, um, Catherine, who gave me an award! She's so cool!
The Man Himself!
Internet Movie Database: A Wicked Movies Site!
A Very Good Film!
Ebay-Can't Live Without It!
Misheard Lyrics+Parodies+Loadsa Cool Stuff=Laffs a-plenty!!