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Lyrics Lounge!!

You've reached Lyrics Lounge, the one-stop shop for coolness. And not just coz I think I stole the name from MTV. No my friends, these are the best lyrics in town, updated regularly (yeah right!), and it's a multi-functional place too..not only can you gawp at the fantastic-ness of these lyrics, but sunconsciously it will reveal to you what floats my boat! Not in a dodgy way or anything like that (eww), but you'll discover what kinda lyrics I like, so if you and I share a passion for, let's say, Steps (nooooooooooooooo!) then you can email me and we'll get chattin' and there'll be NO NEED FOR A NETPALS PAGE! As there are too many about and they're all better than mine anyway.

So, enough with the small talk, it's lyric time! Here are the lyrics of the day (or week, or whatever..)

MY WAY (By da Limp, man! Erm, well, Limp Bizkit actually..)

Check, check, check check... out my melody


You think you're special

You do

I can see it in your eyes

I can see it when you laugh at me

Look down on me

You walk around on me

Just one more fight

About your leadership

And I will straight up

Leave your sh*t

Cause I've had enough of this

And now I'm pissed


This time I'm 'a let it all come out

This time I'm 'a stand up and shout

I'm 'a do things my way

It's my way

My way, or the highway

Check out, check check... out my melody

Just one more fight

About a lot of things

And I will give up everything

To be on my own again

Free again


This time I'm 'a let it all come out

This time I'm 'a stand up and shout

I'm 'a do things my way

It's my way

My way, or the highway

Some day you'll see things my way

Cause you never know, you never know

Where you're gonna go

Check out, check check... out my melody

Just one more fight

And I'll be history

Yes I will straight up

Leave your sh*t

And you'll be the one who's left

Missing me


This time I'm 'a let it all come out

This time I'm 'a stand up and shout

I'm 'a do things my way

It's my way

My way, or the highway

Some day you'll see things my way

Cause you never know

Where, you never know

Where you're gonna go

Check out, check check... out my melody

Let all the anger out yet?! NO?!? Then go buy some Slipknot and be BORING!

Get around, get around, hikin' around..

Home is where the heart is!
The place where I..ahem..stole these lyrics..
