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Previous Projects

Usually Just A T Shirt Films is a film company owned by myself, Harri. I direct, and sometimes even make an appearance if you're lucky, all the films, and have made some very successful productions for school assignments, and just for fun!

Credit goes to several people, without whom Usually Just A T Shirt Films wouldn't be half as amazing!

All of 9EJL, thanx for the support, audience and putting up with being filmed!

Katie McGettigan, Elizabeth Crawford, Claire Ries, Jen Simms, Mollie O Neil, Robyn Taylor and everyone involved in the making of The Golden Rule, brilliant work, and at such short notice!

The Art Department for the loan of the camera during The Batik Process!

My mum..see, I haven't broken the camera yet!

All you little people!

Gus Van Sant, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg and everyone who's inspired me. You rock!

So, see ya next time!
