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A wonderful, weird, wacky, thoughtful, comedic, basically BRILLIANT film about the infamous 18th century writer, the Marquis de Sade. And without going into TOO much detail, the Marquis wrote, um, rather unpleasant books about things I'm not actually allowed to say on Angelfire (sorry kids), and was, in case you hadn't worked it out already, the creator/biggest fan of something else which I can't tell you about, but that pretty much involves pain for, um, pleasure. But anyway..

This film is, rather predictably an 18 cert., but did that stop me?! Hell no. OK, so it's gross in parts, but as my mother always says, if it's a quality film and without gratuitous, tasteless CENSORED references, it's not too bad. Too true. Quills could have been the sickest, grossest, yuckiest, mankiest, most ewwwwww film around but, well, it's not. In fact, it's got a great cast, a clever script, and as many funny bits as OTHER bits (and you know exactly what I mean..)

The story starts a few years into the Marquis's stay at the Abbe de Coulmier's insane asylum. From here, it's a ker-azy rollercoaster ride. The beautiful young woman Madeleine helps the Marquis smuggle out his rather rude writings, and lo and behold some sicko publishes them. When some nasty old doctor guy hears about it, he swears to put a stop to the Marquis's naughty ways, and hotfoots it to the asylum to break his (irrepressible) spirit. Not a good idea. Follow the sometimes sad, sometimes funny, sometimes sick (as I said), but always superb story of how to rub up a Marquis the wrong way (no, NOT literally).

Geoffrey Rush as the Marquis de Sade is on top form, Kate Winslet is pretty, perky and perfect as the brave washerwoman, and Brit screen veteran Michael Caine makes a faultlessly mean appearance as the doctor. But for me the Best Actor award would have to go to Joaquin Phoenix (heard that name before? Yep, you guessed it, he's the lil bro of late actor River Phoenix). He is, for once, not playing a total weirdo (remember Gladiator?!), but a sweet, gentle and pretty darn nice guy, the Abbe who runs the asylum. Joaquin brings a unique, endearing quality to the film, and reminds us ever of the memory of his talented brother.

A great film! 11/10!
