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This site rocks, doesn't it? Yep, it does, it DOES ACTUALLY, and ya know why? Coz I work my little butt off, constantly addin' and (rarely) subtractin', but you never know. And if you're one of those lovely punters who just can't help re-visiting, then you'll have noticed my updates. But if you are the slow type, well, you won't. But never fear! The updates page is here!

12/12/01-Aaaahhh, the invasion of the cartoons is here! Yep, if you look very very hard with those beady little eyes, you will indeed find that the brilliance that is moi has put a funky lil fairy/pixie/dolly/erm..bean!! on most every page (well, I'm working on it..), for your viewing pleasure. Now isn't that nice. Also, a new addition, the bombastic *baby bean*, the HarriLand mascot and damned on him on the main page to send me spam, love letters or whatever you freaks like emailing people, or check out his fan page also on the main page..and the little guy even has his own email address!! Ladies form an orderly queue.. And finally, but splendiferously, check out the 60-second funky form page!! Yep, for 60 seconds only (or thereabouts) you get to fill out the funkiest form this side of a Red Hot Chili Peppers album. How quaint. Anyway, have a nice Chrimbo, hope Santa brings you loadsa coal, make it a good one ;)

3/12/01-Well whaddya know, this site has officially been updated! OK OK so I admit, I've been a tad neglectful of late, but hell, school sucks, and lately it's sucked particularly badly (think tests. Lots of them.) so forgive me, I'm under pressure, OK? Dig it! Anyway, check out the Cool People page for the talented musician of Wheatus fame, Phil A. Jiminez (y'know the mad percussiony guy..dude and a half!) Think that's about it, check back for some more soon, luv you!!

17/11/01-Phew, am I good to you or am I good to you? I've done LOADZ in the past week..the Reviews section is up, and you can see all the Film Reviews and most of the CD Reviews just at the click of a button (or few). Cool huh?! Plus, I updated the How To and Hot Or Not pages. I RULE!!

06/11/01- Another update (ooh I'm just too nice!) Added a page for my v kool film production company, Usually Just A T Shirt Films, check it out! Also yet another rock band to adopt will be up soon. Watch this space!

07/10/01- I put yet another cool person on my, um, Cool People page..MADONNA! Yippee!! And also, the newest addition to the HarriLand family..MTV!! (My tribute, not the channel..) Be there or be square!

06/10/01- I added a surprisingly nice new page to the Friends section, all about the v cool Sarah aka Chewable Morphine. Check it out! I also added, and this is the big one, the all-new, all-cool, all-singing, all-dancing (hmmm..) section that everyone (yep, everyone) is talking about..Adopt A Rockstar! The sickest form of virtual pets on the web..mwah ha ha!

03/10/01- I added a BRAND NEW COOOOL PAGE! Cool People is yet another of HarriLand's assets..and it is indeed However I have been and still am rather under the weather so FORGIVE ME FOR NOT DOING LOADZ!

01/10/01- I added a link to the all-new Stratty Slang page. I also put a very funky scrolling text box on the homepage (dontcha just love it?!) and changed the rather dreary colour scheme on most of the pages into a nice, bright blue 'n yellow kinda thing. And finally I put a new quote in the Quote Bonanza. Phew!