How indie are you? test by ridethefader
You're really enthusiastic about the music that you like. You attempt to discover your new favourite band every week. You continually try to get your friends into the music you like, which annoys the fuck out of them, but you don't know it. At least you're not arrogant about it.
Me brushing my teeth, if anyone has bad breath, it isn't me! muahahaha! i'm brushin' mah teef! (i haven't seen a pic of this hygienic ritual yet, so i thought i would tap a pic up)
Newest picture of me! It was taken Fall 2004 and is HAWT! OMGWTF!?
My killer kicks! they are adidas rod lavers if you can't tell, the pic is a lil blurry.
trading my time, body, and sanity to make scratch at an italian restaurant that provides the means for employment...
Check out those sexy legs!! ooooh girl!
That's my sister's guitar. I just got a new one, i'll get a pic of me and it later. it is a sweet electric acoustic.
i can play some good jazz and i arrange my own crap compilations as well. i used to play much better though...
Which Colossal
Death Robot Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
Which Survivor of
the Impending Nuclear Apocalypse Are You?
Which Horrible
Affliction are you?