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Paden - Drums

Name: Paden
Age: 14
Status: taken(we know that he is the band hottie so you can still drool over him)
Equipment: Tama Rockstar 5-piece custom set with 2 zildjian crashes, 8 inch and 10 inch zildjian splashes a zildjian ride and a zildjian china crash. tama iron cobra double bass drum pedal. Tama seat (nice for the ass, perfect shape)
Clothing: Also wear BONG shirts as well. Hurley shirts and anything else that relates with biking.
Criminal Record: battery and assault, boosting cars, and prostitution
Fav. Movie:gone in 60 seconds and fast and the furious.

Favorite Bands: new found glory, sum 41, mxpx, good charlotte
righty or lefty:righty