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These are the ideas of some vampire researcher dude. I'm very interested in these sort of things, so if you are too, you should read it. So I'm going to stop typing now. The rest is copied from his website.

Human Living Vampires -- General Information

Over the past year, I have been in contact with some of the rapidly growing number of Human Living Vampires (HLV's). These are individuals who, while they firmly assert that they are essentially human beings, and to all external appearances are exactly that, nevertheless have pronounced vampiric characteristics. That is to say, Human Living Vampires feel that they have a need, compulsion, or involuntary tendency to "feed" upon some substance or some kind of energy produced by other living things, primarily other people. HLV's fall into two main classes: those who experience blood-lust or blood-craving, and "psychic vampires" or "psi-vampires". There is considerable debate among these individuals as to whether they do or do not share "secondary symptoms" (such as sensitivity to sunlight) in common.

Blood-craving HLV's tend to regard their need for blood as a liability, sometimes an extremely severe one. Psychic vampire HLV's usually have a somewhat more positive attitude toward their perceived energy-draining ability, but often complain about the negative effects of these tendencies on their lives as a whole, especially when the energy-draining is uncontrolled. Within these two larger categories, there are several subdivisions among self-defined HLV's. There are also a number of different "theories" proposed by HLV's to explain their own origin, or the cause(s) of their conditions.

No HLV claims to be immortal, invincible, or possessed of supernatural abilities (other than the extent to which psychic abilities such as clairvoyance or astral projection might be called "supernatural"). Although some report enhanced strength, stamina, resistance to disease, and so forth, in no case do these traits exceed the limits of human norms. Human Living Vampires are human beings who are born, grow up, age, and fully expect to die at the end of a conventional lifespan. They are prone to any illness or injury that afflicts human beings. They can and do have children. They have normal nutritional requirements (although some HLV's report unusual food cravings, allergies or aversions) and in all other ways are bound by natural law. Most are anxious to insist that being an HLV brings no glamour or special privileges but simply makes the everyday existence of relationships, jobs, and home life that much more challenging. Many HLV's have difficulty understanding why a normal human would ask to be "turned" into what they are and react to such requests with a certain amount of antagonism.

HLV's are strongly tied into human culture and society, although many of them will express feelings of alienation. In some cases, this may have as much to do with other factors (high intelligence, sexual orientation, non-mainstream religious beliefs, affinity with other counter-cultures such as the Goths, and so on) as with the self-defined vampirism. Many HLV's cling to bits and pieces of the 20th Century Vampire Myth, at the same time that they urgently attempt to debunk this Myth in their writings. In particular, "viral" explanations for their origins are quite popular, along with "scientific" rationales in general. However, for the most part, HLV's are far less concerned with explaining themselves on any grounds, than they are with coping with the specific needs and abilities that they identify as impacting upon their lives. This is their primary focus, and the motivation for their forming networks and support groups and "coming out" in public as HLV's. All explanatory "theories" are considered to be tentative, even relative to the individual, and many explicit statements to this effect are made by various HLV's on their websites.

As I am not a member of this group of people, I am not qualified to speak for them. I am going to briefly summarize information drawn from their own self-definitions, and refer the reader to other websites, messageboards and related fora for further specific information.

Blood Vampires
Other Types of Vampires
Psychic Vampires and Psi-Blood Vampires

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