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Namibia: Location
~Namibia: Location~

  • Namibia is south of the equator and east of the Prime Meridian, placing it in the Southeastern hemisphere.

  • Namibia is at the geographic coordinates of 22 00 S, 17 00 E.

  • Namibia shares borders with South Africa, Botswana, and Angola.

    Physical Map of Africa·Physical Map of Africa·Physical Map of Africa·Physical Map of Africa·Physical Map of Africa

    Namibia, Africa
    Location of Namibia in Africa·Location of Namibia in Africa·Location of Namibia in Africa·Location of Namibia in Africa·Location of Namibia in Africa

    Political Map of Namibia·Political Map of Namibia·Political Map of Namibia·Political Map of Namibia·Political Map of Namibia

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