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Front ST. 7-20-02

You bet your ass we rocked Front St.!!!

The weather held... the beer flowed... and the crowd rocked!!! Thanks to all you WG fans who came out last weekend to support us at Front St. party w/ WRRV, and take part in some great Sam Adams promotions. What started out as a small crowd just after 10pm and quickly grew to take over most of the back deck a short while later. Unfortunately the party was cut short by the midnight noise ordinance rule, but we still had a great time none the less.

We have alot of shout outz b/c there were people at Front St. that we haven't seen in months. But first we have to give a HUGE THANKS to the fabulous Janet May at WRRV for setting the whole event up! To Dean & Nadine at Front St. for having us. DJ Tim Noble and his crew at WRRV for setting up some great contests, giving away lots of free beer and just being an all-aound cool guys.

Super shout outs to...Craig, Danielle and former Roomie Lori (3rd show in a row!!!),... also from Florida John C & Diedre, Dannielle F & Alisha....The Mighty Rob McCaffery and Ali-Kat,... Danno, Kristen, Becky & Jamie, John Niss for taking extra shots,... Karen, Jen, Annie & Rick... Fuzz, Jay & his wife and his cuz Josh,... Taki (fellow RAGE fan!).... Momma & Big Daddie Hargrove, Chris, Dana, Jen & Jessie... Jennie Lynn, Mindy, Brother Bob, Ed, Joe, Erin, Cheryl, Erin,... from Chesta, Mikey, Rick & Deseriee, Fuzz & Nancy (take care of that leg killa), and of course the infamous Jimmy Seymour ....and any one else we missed.

Again... sorry about the delay in updates to the website. We should be back to normal in a few weeks. In the meantime there are some great pics below.

Pics are below... Enjoy!!

OUR NEXT GIG:This Friday, July 26th we're back at Sweeneys in Walden. Say a BIG HELLO to Gary Sweeney who's back from Ireland... Show starts at 10pm. Hope to see you there! Peace!

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