
Wow, what an extraoridnary passing of time. So much has happened. *chirp chirp* Ok, so I lie, a little. Stuff did happen, only most of it you Nazis wouldn't care about.
Valentines Day is vast approaching, the day of love. Very simply, this is one of those Hallmark Holidays which just promote the spending of vast amopunts of money. However, it could be a quick cause of some reflection. Maybe its just me. Despite its notorious association with the spending of money, it can be purely a day of love spent by loving couples. The money situation has really only risen in part of selfish, materialistist, souless human beings. Love should not have to be expressed by objects, but by naturally occuring human feeling. Unfortuanatlly Valentines Day is not viewed in that respect because of this capitalisticly driven nation. Without constant bonbardment of ads showing how objects can buy love, solely to prey upon the minds of the ignorant, think of what Valentines Day could mean. I feel that if Valentines Day is only about money spending and not about love, then there is no reason to participate in it. That is why this poor lonely college kid will once again not be participating in the Valentines tradition. Unless someone wants to be my Valentine, any takers?
In lue of the preceding negativity, I am infact fairly excited for this weekend. On Saturday I will officailly be partaking in my first ever job interview. The job is infact to become a counsaler at Cole Canoe Base. I hope I get it, that would be cool.

Song: "Christianity Misunderstood"- Extol