
It is so fucking hard to write this shit at 12:38 in the morning. Especially after you were up nearly the entire night doing about jack shit. I sure hope there is someone out there who reads this and it is not all in vain. I hope.
What does it feel like to have talent in something? This is a question that has plagued me for years. There are so many clubs and organizations I have been in, yet nothing has ever been achieved. Never have I had the glory of being at the top of anything. Yet I feel content, no wait, whats the word? Oh yeah, irritated. I feel that in all my endevours, I should have found something I am good at, alas I sit here basking in shame. Yet I think of people who have artistic talent, musical talent, computer smarts, book smarts, or even sports talent who fail to be content with themselves. People who have everything going for them, saying they hate their lives. Does that seem right to you? I wanna say I could believe these people, but it seems to me that they are just putting on an act. Acting like less of a person for no good reason. People like that don't hate themselves, they do it for attention. Let me ask you a question, if you had the opportunity to create yourself as a seperate person to gain more followers, would you do it?
Well, I must say this weekend is quite the predicerment. I have been invited to hang out with the guys up at GVSU, invited to hang with Jeff at Tech, and then Weezie is coming up to Central for some honors orchestra thing. What is a boy to do? I thought there might be a way to do it all, but it doesn't look likely. We'll see.

Song: "The Fall"-Semper Fi!