
Well hello there one and all, how are you doing today. Well i'm doing just peachy. I'm doing peachy because I cut myself today. You may be thinking, oh, well I'm sorry you did that, it'll be ok. well I actually cut myself on purpose today. With a razor, but just on my hand. I slashed myself on every finger of every habd witha slightly rusted razor. Why you ask? I have no fucking idea why. Hell, I have no fucking idea if anyone is even going to look at this fucking entry and talk to me abot it and see that I fucking cut myself on the mother fucking hands! This could be some kind of cry for help, or maybe i was just really fucking bored and decided the best thing to do at the time was cut myself. You should fucking decide becausee I don't care.
On a more positive note, yesterday was a mighty fine day i must say. For the first time in about a month and a half I decided to go to a His House Christian Fellowship meeting. And as luck would have it, I met one of the coolest guys that I never thought I would meet. The person I speak of is Matt from the band Anathallo. He is totally cool, even though I just met him I can say that. Hopefully we can be good friends, and it would be cool too get to know more of his friends as well. Good times I tell you, good times.
I also want to tell you of this weird ass dream I had last night too. I give it to you only becasue its like the only dream I have remembered in quite a long time. Basically, it involved me being in a theatre show back in St. Johns. I was prepareing off stage getting ready for my entrance. All the usuall people I remember in drama were there, like Amanda, Eli, Weezie, and Trevor. The weird part was when I got on the stage I pulled out a knife and stabbed the other person on stage with me in the arm. The guy I stabbed looked like a guy living on the same floor as me. I stabbed him again which layed him on the ground. And finally, I knelt down beside him and slowly plunged the small knife into his throat. I could see the blood beginning to ooze and could almost hear the sound of the knife being pushed in. I then panicked and ran off stage and ran to my mom who was apparently waiting in line to get into the show. Right then a pair of men in black suits strolled past, and I handed then the dagger with my free hand. They gave an approving nod, as if to say everything was going to be fine. Thats all I remember before I woke up. Pretty weird huh?

Song: "No Place Feels Like Home"-Midtown