
Well hello hello all. It is true, The D has come back to write for you. And yes I have noticed it has been a freakish long time, but thank you for being patient. Although I am not sure exactly how long it has been since I last wrote, I think it is safe to say a lot has happened. Once again I will spare you all the boring details and get right to the meat. For those who have not heard, and those who have and will hear it again, I have been cast as the Hyena in the play the Jungalbook here at CMU. Although many of you will not see it, I thank you're applause.
I feel like I am enjoying college life more and more as the days continue to pass. I'm not sure where the big turning point was but I know it was a good one. I get the feeling that I should be really outgoing now, and I can just as easily tell you all that I will be. Alas, things are much easier said than done my friend. All too many times I have sincerely wanted to accomplish something in my head, and have it fail when it comes to the test. Live and learn I guess.
And now I will write about the thing that actually provoked me to write this journal today. It is my crazy crazy roommate, man he's nuts, just not in a good way. I'm sitting minding my own businiess, brushing my teeth before bed, when loo and behold, my lovely roomie burts in and slams the door as hard as he could behind him. As I continued doing my other bedtime what not, I noticed him spralled out on the floor of our room, I thought it was funny, ain't I a stinker. Any who, as I went in to go to bed I asked him if he was alright, expecting a fully competant answer, I tell you it was un-comprehendable. At that moment I decided that it would be good to write a journal tonight. As I put on some pants to take off, we got in a little conversation about people not wanting to hear the truth. It was then that I smelled the air and reliezed he was just incredibly drunk. So I left, I hope he didn't die.

Song: "Don't Forget"-Remember When