
So, a lot has happened since I last wrote in this journal. First things first, halloween kinda sucked, I had other obligations during halloween so I was not able to trick OR treat. But after my obligations I was still able to watch "scary movies". I put them in quotations due to the fact what we watched were not all that scary. First was Donnie Darko, great movie, just not scary. Second was Dracula 2000, what a waste of movie. Oh well shit happens.
The next big thing that happened in our time lapse was my casting in a play here at Central. Callbacks were the reason my halloween was ruined, but lets not get into that. Anywho, it is for the play Jungalbook. Its more of a based on the Jungalbook kinda thing but it is still bad ass. I play the hyena and half of the elephant. Which I might add could be a blessing in disguise because the other half is a lovely female. Most likely nothing will develop, but you never know what happens.
Finally we'll get to whatever happened today. It was a great day beacuse my only class for the day was cancelled. What a great opportunity to get something done, HA! I got up at 1 for some reason and did nothing quite honestly, yeah, nothing. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I bought Spiderman on DVD last friday. Damn that is a good movie. You should all buy it.
I layed in my bed the other night and had one of my frequent bouts of minor insomnia. During this Insomnia attack, I began to think about all the friendships, big or small, I've had in St. Johns. More than the others I thought of all the friendships that could be made stronger. I thought of people like Beth and Alissa, Dan and Nick. I wondered if theses friendships could be made stronger. I don't know that any of them read my journals, but I really wish we could be better friends. I think I should call them.

Song: "Between You and May" -Short of 1st